We break up the benefits of floating into three categories:

  1. Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate)

  2. Zero-Gravity Environment

  3. Sensory deprivation

These benefits are vast and varied. They can be present during the float session and can last for an extended period of time after the session ends.


When Magnesium Sulfate is absorbed through the skin it draws toxins from the body, sedates the nervous system, reduces swelling, relaxes muscles, and acts as a natural emollient (moisturizer).

+ Expels Toxins From The Body

  • Your skin is a highly porous membrane and adding the right minerals to your bathwater triggers a process called reverse osmosis, which actually pulls salt out of your body and harmful toxins along with it.

+ Softens Skin

  • Epsom salt is a natural emollient (moisturizer) and has an exfoliating effect on dead skin.

+ Increases Feelings Of Relaxation

  • Magnesium encourages serotonin production, Serotonin a mood-elevating chemical within the brain that creates a feeling of calm and relaxation.

+ Increases Energy And Stamina

  • Epsom salt encourages the production of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). ATP is the nucleoside triphosphate that transports energy within cells for metabolism.

+ Reduces Soreness

  • Epsom salt reduces inflammation in the muscles which alleviates pain.

+ Improves Absorption Of Nutrients

  • Sulfate encourages the production of the three major digestive enzymes released by pancreas. These digestive enzymes (pancreatic proteases, pancreatic amylase. and pancreatic lypase) are responsible for digesting protein, sugars/carbs and fat respectively.

+ Improves Insulin Regulation

  • Magnesium plays a key role in working with your metabolism to regulate glucose and insulin production, which slows down the progression of pre-diabetes into diabetes in adults and reduces the overall risk of type II diabetes.

+ Improves Nerve Function

  • Magnesium facilitates your body's use of calcium to transmit chemical signals throughout the nervous system, causing the nervous system to run more efficiently.


Unlike the low-gravity environment of a pool, float tanks offer a zero-gravity environment. you no longer have to fight gravity. The weightlessness of the tank allows your body to decompress and expand to its natural state.    

+ Reduces Joint & Muscle Pain

  • The weightless environment gives your muscles, joints and nerves a break from pressure that causes pain and discomfort. Your muscular system and your skeletal system have more room to readjust.

+ Increases Blood Circulation

  • Since your muscles and organs won't be compact like they usually are, your blood flows more efficiently through your body. This improves overall circulation which also lowers your blood pressure.

+ Stimulates Tissue Repair

  • Your improved circulation will allow any damaged muscle tissue to recover faster.

+ Improves Immune Function

  • Again, this one is owed to improved circulation. When blood is flowing more efficiently through your body, it allows the cells and substances of your immune system to move more efficiently.

+ Improves Athletic Ability


The float tank offers a profound calmness of the mind by shutting out external stimuli. When your brain isn't receiving as much information as it's used to, it goes into reset mode.

+ Increases Creativity

  • Sensory deprivation stimulates creative thinking. When the stress centers of your brain aren't working so hard, the creative centers of your brain take over.

+ Increases Reaction Time & Sensory Acuity

  • Since your body isn't receiving any external stimuli, your senses are temporarily heightened and your concentration improves because there is nothing distracting you.

+ Resets Circadian Rhythm

  • When you're floating, your biological clock's messenger suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) sends signals to your pineal gland to release melatonin (the sleepy hormone). Since the SCN sends signals based on the surrounding light coming into your eyes, lack of any visual external stimuli tricks your SCN into thinking it's time to go to sleep.

+ Reduces Stress

  • Your brain eventually adjusts to the lack of external stimuli and the stress centers relax and pull back on the release of stress hormones (Adrenaline and Cortisol).